Creating a Cluster around a Clown: The Montreal Circus Cluster
The case examines the situation of Cirque du Soleil in its early years. Despite initial success, Guy Laliberté, founder and CEO of Cirque du Soleil, is facing a number of challenges, including aspects such as increasing competition, access to the pool of talent, location and growth. All of these elements are in Laliberté’s mind just before meeting with Jean Doré, the mayor of Montreal. Laliberté thinks that it will be a great opportunity to ask for support, but he doesn’t know exactly what to ask for. At the same time, Doré is preparing the city’s strategic plan and is wondering whether Montreal could benefit from Cirque du Soleil’s image and success. He does, however, have some lingering concerns.
- Publication Date: 13/09/2019
- Language: English
- Pages: 14